Directions to / from Cagliari

There are 2 ways to get to the house, which differ in the first hour or so of travel from the airport - through the mountains or round the coast roads.  As roads are new you often have to ignore signs that look good so it's best to make sure the direction and road size/name is right rather than trust place names at all times. The SS125 is the name for both the old and the new road on the common piece - they both go the same places but new road is much quicker and bypasses villages so if in doubt aim for the bigger road!

Cagliari to Meeting Point - Mountain Route

  1. As you leave the airport follow the sign for cagliari and then villasimius / quartu.
  2. After a sign for quartucciu there will be a sign for Muravera / Arbatax / Siniscola - turn right here. 
  3. Follow signs for Villasimius - after approx. 5km you will reach a new roundabout.  Take signs for Muravera/ Villasimius.
  4. Follow Olbia / Muravera / Villasimius.  By the roadworks follow the small sign for Muravera NOT Villasimius
  5. Keep on road.  After app 15 km you will pass diverland water park on the right.
  6. Further on, on the right there is a bar, before you start the mountain ascent. Good idea to stop here as there is not another. Not good travellers perhaps should drive from this point…except children !!!
  7. Continue on the short ascent…one road only..and then a longer descent. This takes approx. 25/30 mins.
  8. Once you are down you will go over a narrow stone bridge. After this look for another sign to muravera on the left follow this and you will be on a new road which bypasses muravera
  9. Keep on the road following signs for tortoli until the road ends.  Then take tertenia 15
  10. Please phone us when you pass is a sprawling village on your left. 
  11. Follow tortoli and barisardo until end of road then take barisardo. Turn right  sign says ierzu and lanusei . Slow down . We will meet you under the bridge here.                           
Google map link Cagliari mountain route map

Cagliari to Meeting Point - Coastal Route

  1. As you leave the  airport follow the sign for cagliari and then villasimius / quartu.
  2. After a sign for quartucciu there will be a sign for muravera / arbatax , / siniscola - turn right and follow signs for villasimius. 
  3. After approx. 5km you will reach a new roundabout - take the sign for Muravera / Villasimius
  4. Follow Olbia / Muravera / Villasimius.  By the roadworks follow the small sign for Villasimius
  5. After app 500mtrs turn left to Villasimius.  You enter the new road which is the nuova ss554. 
  6. At the end of this dual carriageway there is a fork in the centre of the road - bear left to villasimius. 
  7. You join the old road for approx.  5kms . At the new roundabout take the sign  which is only marked nuova ss125
  8. The road will show signs for Tortoli.  Carry on on this road all the way. This road bypasses muravera. You will eventually have to leave this road  . Then take tertenia 15.
  9. Please phone us when you pass is a sprawling village on your left. 
  10. Follow tortoli and barisardo until end of road there are flashing arrows. Then take barisardo. Turn right. Sign says ierzu and lanusei. Slow down. We will meet you under the bridge here.
Google map link Cagliari coastal route map

Directions to / from Olbia
There is really only one good way to get from Olbia to Pinetrees and so we have just described this route.  Until 5-10 years ago the trip to Olbia would take 4-5 hours but now can be done in just over 2 hours due to new roads cutting off the sharp mountain bends etc.

  1. Follow USCITA (Exit) signs out of airport
  2. Turn left at the first set of traffic lights indicating SASSARI & NUORO
  3. Before long, bear right indicating SASSARI and then immediately left for SASSARI, CAGLIARI
  4. After approx. 2 miles turn right for Cagliari, Nuoro - this is the second turning after a garage - continue on this road for approx. one hour.
  5. Just after the 62 kilometre sign (at side of road) there is a sign for  Nuoro - LA SOLITUDINE and Orune - DO NOT TAKE THIS TURN
  6. Continue straight on for Cagliari, Sassari.
  7. At the 52km marker you will go through a tunnel and then take the next exit indicating Lanusei and Tortoli, then Nuoro Ospedale. You will u will now be on single carriageway. Bear right for Lanusei. At the top go immediately through a  tunnel . You will be on the SS389
  8. After the tunnel continue straight on for Lanusei.  The road eventually becomes bendy and you will see a large yellow area sign on the right marked OGLIASTRA. Continue over a railway line (feels like a cattle grid) and you will reach a junction signed  Lanusei/Tortoli .  Follow Lanusei  .. bendy road.. Continue through Lanusei . There is a large fork in road.  DO NOT take Cagliari at this point…but bear left instead.
  9. When you are in the centre…turn right into  the main  shopping street…one way only traffic. Following sign for Cagliari. At the roundabout at Banco Di Sardegna  bear left for Cagliari. You will go over a level crossing following the road out of town.
  10. Approx 2 miles further you have to bear right taking an uphill road. The sign says SS 125 Cagliari and Cardedu.  Stay on this road all the way until a T junction with the SS125. Turn left for Cardedu. 
  11. After 2 km you will find SIDIS MARKET LOBINA shop on the right. If you stop there and ring us we will be with you in 5 minutes.

Google map link Olbia route map

Pinetrees Villa

We are located on the eastern coast side of Sardinia, in the region of Ogliastra.  Nearest large town is Tortoli, closest village is Cardedu.  Map below shows the exact location